"Gray Wolf" is an oil paint and watercolor painting on paper.
Rachel Crumm, St Louis Park, MN. December 1, 2014 

This was done using colored pencil on paper and is 9x11".
I love that I can use my art to support a cause I believe in.
Annie Nelson, Burnsville, MN. December 13, 2014 
Lupus Canis
Poem by: Graham Frear, Northfield MN
90 year old WWII veteran and former St. Olaf's
professor, recently deceased.
Caught as you are great canine
Between man and extinction;
You great hunter, only to survive,
Biding your time to be
What you were meant to be.
My heart skipped a beat,
When I saw you loping
Between lake and deep woods,
Descending for a cold drink
From the lake we call Superior,
Now waiting for traffic to break,
For your return to your wild,
Your world, Beyond our world,
Back to your den, hungry pups.
Remembering how frail we are,
You will survive, your kind prevail
Longer than we, stronger than we.
Your pups await in hidden den,
Deep in the woods, far from man
The predator who kills his own kind.
You came first, we later
With our machines, lethal fumes,
Insensitive to your world,
You part of nature, in harmony,
A feat we have not attained.
We kill our own kind,
Set on righting dubious wrongs.
You attack to survive,
We survive to attack each other
As others attack us, causes dubious,
Lupus Canis remains, homo sapien no.

Poster for 2013 HFW fundraser
Skip Wilson. December 20, 2014 

Wolf Snow Sculpture from Dec 2012
Jerry Olson. December 20, 2014 
Produced by Ms. Bentivegna's 6th Grade Class.
Woodmere Middle School, Woodmere, NY
December 22, 2014
Poem by: Scott Slocum, 1975 and 2015
White Bear Lake, MN. December 22, 2014
Forty years ago (it seems like it was yesterday)
You and I walked the same road
Thinking we would have it to ourself.
You had met a man before, frightened.
I had never met a wolf before.
Wondering, why you were so bold?
Would we have met on our straight line?
I drew steel, and set my feet.
You were gone.

Collage, mixed media.
Kari Pearson, Minneapolis, MN. December 22, 2014 

Golden Eyes was inspired by the wolf's beauty,
determination, and will to survive. MP3
Robert Schmidt, Germantown, WI. December 22, 2014

Dont Silence The Howl. Apricot Lily Music is dedicated
to the preservation and proliferation of the American
Gray Wolf. MP3
Tom Boisvert, Hyannis, Massachusetts. January 1, 2015

Digital painting of a wolf character in a novel
I've just started to write!
Ivy Wingfield, Aurora, Colorado. December 23, 2014 
1977, Just North of Ely
All rights reserved 2014
Nancy Christopher, Cologne, MN. December 25, 2014
Nothing makes your heart pound like heading out an hour
before dusk, down a frozen trail covered with large dog-
like tracks and yellow snow.
You want to turn back but can't because you're just too
close to a once in a lifetime encounter- a chance to see
a pack or even a lone wolf, or just to hear them howl.
As the sun sets behind the trees, you stop. Standing
perfectly still, watching your breath in the cold night air.
Waiting, watching, hoping, and finally, knowing it is not
to be.
Maybe tomorrow.
It would be another thirty years before I would see my
first wolf.
It was actually on my property in the outer reaches of
the seven county metro area that surrounds Minneapolis
and St. Paul. Still farm country, I owned fifty acres of
wildlife habitat and it was there in the winter of 2007,
that a lone wolf crossed my field.
I was speechless, I was thrilled, my heart was pounding,
and I couldn't believe my eyes, yet there he was. Large
and very dark, almost black. I watched as he wandered
along a tree line and then disappeared over the hill.
The next day I told my neighbor that I was "sure I had
seen a wolf"! To which he replied "You did, I talked to
the guy who shot it".
Shoot, Shovel, Shut up. Same old, same old.
Stunned, I said goodbye and hung up the phone. With
tears in my eyes I thought about how much I hate
people who just can't leave things alone, and how
much I hate living in a place where animals are killed
just because they're there, and because we can.
I'm wishing I could go back and somehow change his
direction, or maybe even convince him to stay.
Somehow I feel older today, sadder, like I learned a
terrible lesson and there is no going back, even a day,
to a more innocent time when I would be thrilled to see
a lone wolf wander in my field without the knowledge
of the senseless death to come.
In memory of my "Moondog" who found
me in a small Ohio town and stayed by
my side for sixteen years...
Poem by: Barb Minar, Jordan, MN. January 10, 2015
I am Moondog,
I am Wolf.
I am your past,
Your future,
The window to your soul...
I am the melancholy cadence on the wind,
Paw prints on the mountain,
The ripple in the stream...
I am a solo artist,
I am a quartet,
Euphonious in my howl...
I am the shadow on the moon,
Silhouette on the horizon,
I am Moondog,
I am Wolf...

This is a simple outline drawing with words that describe my
beliefs about wolves and their plight in my home state of Minnesota.
Dani Porter Born, Saint Paul, MN. January 11, 2015 

Hand painted ceramic tile.
Elany Prusa, Rough and Ready, California. January 19, 2015 

"Howling Wolf", a painting of a wolf howling up at a full moon,
was inspired and motivated by hearing wolves howl while
camping near Ely, MN in August 2014.
Meri Bautch, Monterey, California. January 23, 2015 

Pencil and Pastel Animal drawing.
Keiko Olds, Wayazata, MN. February 2, 2015 

Pencil and pastel drawing art. Left is dog. Right is wolf.
Keiko Olds, Wayazata, MN. February 2, 2015 

Howling Full Moon.
Katey Saari, Saint Paul, MN. January 30, 2015 

This watercolor and ink illustration represents my relationship
with wolves. Since my childhood I've been enamored with them... in my
adulthood I began working with wolf advocacy groups, and recently at a wolf
sanctuary. I am an illustrator and have always created art based on relationships
between human and non-human animals, especially wolves. Learning from
these stoic and brilliant creatures has changed my life for the better. The humility,
respect, and spirituality they have taught me is absolutely priceless.
Genevieve Mariani, Pasadena, California. February 10, 2015 

"The Night Fairy's Wolf" is a tribute to the role wolves have
played in Western art, literature, and fairy tales. These animals
are not only valuable to nature; they're valuable to culture.
Christine Stoddard, Falls Church, Virginia. February 22, 2015 

"Wolf Howling Under Full Moon".Pensils, paper.
Marianna Oliynyk, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. February 24, 2015 

I'm a 18 year old girl. I learn at Roth Gyula Forestry Secondary
School in Hungary. Wolves mean everything to me. I love them.
They are freedom, wildness, never-ending fighters. And they are
one big family. They always remind me to never give up, fight for
myself, figth for others. Protect my beloved ones. Never afraid to
speak up. They are the most beautiful creatures on our Planet, I
think, and if they became extinct beacuse of humanity, it would be
a very big catastrophe. I hope they will run free once, everywhere
they like to, and people won't hate them for being what they are.
Alexandra Porcsin, Hungary. March 26, 2015 

13 artists collaborating to paint one final work:
Abdirahman Aden, gr. 11
Abdirahman Ahmed, gr 11
Abdirahman Dahir, gr. 9
Farah Farah, gr. 9
Hayet Feyesso, gr. 12
Abdirahman Hassan, gr. 10
Abdulkarin Mohamed, gr. 9
Deeqo Qurey, gr. 11
Salih Mohamed, gr. 12
Mohamed Nur, gr. 12
Abdikhaliq Omar, gr. 9
Amina Omar, gr. 10
Zakariya Warsame, gr. 9
Class: Ms. Katie Erickson's Perspectives in Drawing
Ubah Medical Academy High School, Hopkins, MN.
March 27, 2015 

Water Color and Ink art in style of a tarot card.
This is a tarot card inspired by the grey wolf, blending the meaning
of the Hermit tarot card with the symbolism of the grey wolf.
Ruby Sevilla, Apple Valey, MN. Jan 27 + March 10, 2015 

"18X24" pencil 'Endangered'
Here before us
They grace our lives
Our Planet
Our Existence
With their own special Magic
as humans abuse and annihilate their Fellow Creatures,
so do we lose our humanity.
Shelly Marie, April 2, 2015 

I used an image that represented wolves in a global way
because this is an international issue. And to ask for attention
of the demise of the Wolf. My concern is that they are being
legally hunted to extinction - especially the Red Wolf and Grays.
Lesley Willis, United Kingdom. April 4, 2015 

"Trapped" is constructed of leg hold and suffocating conibear
traps, and, flesh-cutting snares. She is designed to call into
focus the cruelty of snaring and trapping - a bill to ban has
been introduced at the MN Legislature, but is hung up in
the House environment committee.
"Trapped" was conceived of by Catherine D. Zimmer, M.S.,
Executive Director of Women Observing Wildlife - MN.
She purchased the materials to prevent their use on
Wolves and other Animals.
“Trapped” was constructed by artist Dale Lewis and is
on display at the Hastings Art Center.
Click on each of 4 images above for a larger view.
April 14, 2015.

Wolf. Art. And. Pup.
Bernadette Przybyl, Amhest, New York. April 17, 2015 

"Mexican Gray Wolf in action" is a co-production art piece.
Photo: Elke Duerr, Fractals: Delf Lepidosiren
Whitefish, Montana. April 18, 2015 

A representation of Fenrir, the famous wolf of Norse
mythology. Done in colored pencil, ballpoint pen and
acrylic on Strathmore paper.
Kendall Juell, Fort Mill, South Carolina. April 19, 2015 

I do artist in residency programs all over the country called
Art For the Sky . . . giant living paintings made of people.
I did one in Ontario, Canada last fall of a howling wolf made
of 1000 students and teachers.
Daniel Dancer, Chico, California. April 22, 2015 
Cherokee fiddle
By Sissy Buckles, Lemon Grove, California. April 24, 2015
apex predator
spirit wolf trapped by rancher
snout tied with barbed wire
both eyes burned out then released
vato never stood a chance

My drawing inspired by mexican grey wolves,
I also added a 'flaming' touch
Rachel Mclaughlin, Winter Springs, Florida. April 24, 2015 

Mrs. Polzine's 4th grade art students from
Rogers Elementary School, MN
created water color art inspired by a Howling For Wolves
presentation given to their class. May 20, 2015 

The original is a pencil/pen drawing.
Kelsey Larson, Burnsville, MN. June 6, 2015 

I wrote a free verse poem about wolves and wishing
for people to understand their true story.
Nichole Hathaway, Masury, Ohio. June 15, 2015 

"Wild Soul" is a digital speedpaint portraying the pure wild soul
of the wolf and the cruelty in their elimination
Kayla Borntrager, Elk River, MN. August 5, 2015 

Snarling wolf drawn traditionally with inking pens.
Graciella Allen, Brooklyn Center, MN. September 3, 2015 

I love to draw wolves because they all have different colors
and patterns. They are so dignified and elegant. I like to draw
wolves the way I see them so other people can see what I see,
they're beauty.
Anna Exley, West St Paul, MN. September 7, 2015 

Model: Karolina (FoxyCherry)
Wolf Association Sweden & Howling For Wolves
Artwork: Smashgraphics ©
Photography: Andy Fotograaf.
January 4, 2016 

This drawing of a wolf with the full moon superposed on a map
of Minnesota was the cover art made for the program book
for a meeting of the American Astronomical Society in held in
St Paul in 1994.
Roberta Humphreys, Mendota Heights, MN. December 7, 2015 

This piece is called "The Singing Lesson." Here is the story
behind it: Ahte (the father wolf) was teaching his young
son how to sing. Their song was so beautiful and joyous
that all of the other animals of the forest heard them and
came to join in. Together they created the chorus that
celebrates the we of life, all of us depending on each other.
All of us has a voice - the question is: will you join yours
with our fellow earthlings, or will you try to silence the chorus?
Savina Francisco, Utah. December 15, 2015 

I am an artist inspired by the wild spirit of nature. I feel a deep
affinity with the wolf and I am disgusted and saddened by
the ingrained impassioned hatred for the species that is vital
to healthy thriving ecosystems. The title my painting is,
'Creation Song'. It is 4' x 4', mixed media on panel.
I hope it may inspire.
Jackie Ranney, Helotes, Texas. February 26, 2016  |

Poem: Water drips
A storm has shaken the pines
A soft breeze whispers
And beckons of the old times
No longer the footprints
No tracks in the snow
No guardians of nature
No friends of the crow
Where have you gone to
Both our friend and our foe
Return to your homelands
Don't die in the snow
Chris Cooper, Kamiah, Idaho. August 20, 2017 

Dylan Thomas, Great River School, St Paul, MN. April 12, 2022  |

Dylan Thomas, Great River School, St Paul, MN. April 12, 2022 