Wear our "Ban Wolf Hunting" T-Shirt from Wolf Day 2023
Please donate $20 and wear our 2023 Ban Wolf Hunting, Keep the Packs Intact t-shirt. They are natural white with blue printing and are soft, medium weight and made of 60% organic cotton and 40% recycled plastic water bottles. See sizing information.
Each t-shirt purchase goes toward our 501c4 Howling For Wolves Action Fund for our work to protect wolves in Minnesota state laws. The donation is not tax-deductible. The price includes shipping and handling to US addresses. To order by mail, download the Order Form.

***Take a photo of you wearing your Wolf shirt, then share it with us on our social media by posting to FB, Twitter or Instagram with a hashtag #LiveAndLetHowl. Get others to do the same so everyone can spot the wolf advocates.
International shipping is expensive. For example, the average cost to ship a shirt to England is $25. Please consider an additional donation if you are overseas.
Like to add an extra donation to your shopping cart? Click on this link