Take Action

Thank You!! Howling For Wolves supporters submitted well over 3000 comments to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) about the draft Wolf Plan. The number one request was to remove wolf hunting and trapping from the final Wolf Plan.

The DNR finished taking public comments on August 8, after only 6 weeks of a survey and 2 weeks of allowing emailed comments.

Howling For Wolves will update the public on the DNR’s progress, as they near finalizing the Wolf Plan. We thank everyone for participating with their comments.

We ask that you continue to speak out against a DNR Wolf Plan that allows for routinely killing wolves through public hunting and killing wolves in primitive research to save moose.   Continue to spread the word about this backwards portion of the draft Wolf Plan.

Otherwise stay tuned and be happy we showed up in solid numbers for this public comment.

August 13, 2022