Wear our "Stop the Hunt" T-Shirt
Please donate $20 to Howling For Wolves Action Fund and wear our Stop the Hunt T-Shirt with wolf logos on the front and back. The T-Shirts are made of 100% organic cotton. See sizing information.
Each t-shirt purchase goes toward our 501c4 Howling For Wolves Action Fund which supports our work to protect wolves in Minnesota state laws. The donation price includes shipping and handling to US addresses.
The supply is limited, please order while your size is still available.
The donation price includes shipping and handling to US Addresses. To order by mail, download the Order Form.

***Take a photo of you wearing your Wolf shirt, then share it with us on our social media by posting to FB, Twitter or Instagram with a hashtag #LiveAndLetHowl.
International shipping is expensive. For example, the average cost to ship a shirt to England is $25. For overseas shipping orders please add an additional donation of $25.
Like to add an extra donation to your shopping cart? Click on this link