NEWS: Applications now available for Wolf-Livestock Conflict Prevention Grants

Howling For Wolves is proud to support this effort and advocates for its continued funding each year at the Minnesota State Capitol.

Wolf-Livestock Conflict Prevention Grants were first funded by the Minnesota Legislature in 2017. The Wolf Livestock Grant is offered by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture to help producers protect livestock depredation by wolves. The Department has received a grant from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to continue making grants to livestock producers for mea­sures that will reduce wolf-livestock conflicts. A total of $60,000 is available through August 31, 2022. We expect 10 to 20 grants will be awarded, but the final number depends on the size of award.

Producers must document a cost-share for grant projects of 20%. For example, a $10,000 project would consist of $8,000 in grant funds and $2,000 funded by the producer. Documentation must be provided to the department for the entire amount spent on the project. In this example, that would be $10,000.

Eligible applicants are livestock producers within Minnesota’s wolf range or on property determined by the commissioner to be affected by wolf-livestock conflicts. The Minnesota wolf range can be found here: Grant recipients will continue to be eligible for depredation payments under Minnesota Statute 3.737 and Minnesota Rules Chapter 1515. Eligible projects may include:

  • Purchase of guard animals
  • Veterinary costs for guard animals
  • Wolf-barriers which may include pens
  • Fladry and fencing
  • Wolf-deterring lights and alarms
  • Calving or lambing shelters
  • Other projects that will reduce wolf-livestock conflict

Wolf Livestock Grant applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. CST on January 24, 2022 in order to be considered for funding. We strongly encourage you to submit proposals through email at We will not consider late applications.

Timeline and Deadlines for Grant Program

It is best practice to submit your application at least 24 hours in advance to prevent unforeseen delays. Applications will not be accepted after the grant deadline under any circumstances.

  1. RFP posted on MDA website November 1, 2021
  2. Questions due no later than 5:00 PM Central Time January 17, 2022
  3. Applications postmarked or emailed no later than 5:00 PM Central Time January 24, 2022
  4. Selected grantees announced March 21, 2022
  5. Work plans approved and projects begin April 18, 2022
  6. Projects complete August 31, 2022
November 11, 2021