Jessica Lange to Governor Dayton: Suspend the Wolf Hunt

September 25, 2013

The Honorable Mark Dayton
Governor of Minnesota
130 State Capitol
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

Dear Governor Dayton:

Press Release: Coalition Urges Governor Dayton to Suspend 2013 Wolf Hunt, Launches Petition Drive

Coalition Urges Governor Dayton to Suspend 2013 Wolf Hunt, Launches Petition Drive

ST. PAUL (Aug. 14, 2013) – A broad group of wolf advocates, wildlife enthusiasts and hunters today launched a statewide petition asking Governor Mark Dayton and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to suspend the 2013 wolf hunt set to open November 9. The coalition hopes to gather more than 50,000 signatures in the coming weeks and present the petition to Governor Dayton.

Press Release: Minnesota Wolf Season Quota Announced Following 25% Population Decline

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                         

Minnesota Wolf Season Quota Announced Following 25% Population Decline

Living Wolves are Valuable, Let's Keep them and Promote Them

The question is what is the real purpose of a wolf hunt?  When you distill it, it comes down to entertainment for hunters and pelts for trappers.  The wolf is a social and complex animal with so much more to give us by living and thriving ecologically than with its death and flesh.  Just think about what we have already learned about our dogs from studying wolves.  Don't we owe dogs' evolutionary relative the right to exist?  Exist as more than a token species on the brink of surviving? Mankind has truly benefited from the domestication of the wolf into our dogs.

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