Minnesota Caucuses

2016-03-01 19:00

When:  Tuesday, March 1, 2016 – 7:00 PM
Where:  Your Local Precinct

Minnesotans have the opportunity to take an active role in grassroots democracy by attending a precinct caucus on Tuesday, March 1 starting at 7:00 PM.  Precinct caucuses are the first step on the road to the primary and general elections—and you can play a very important role along that journey!

Please enter our resolutions to Stop the Recreational Killing of Wolves and Implement Ethical Wolf Policies and Protect the Endangered Species Act.  For the DFL, print out the completed Resolutions and coversheets found here:  DFL_2016_Resolution_Form.pdf, and for the Republicans, print out the Resolutions and coversheets here:  Republican_2016_Resolutions_Form.pdf.

To find the location of any precinct caucus, you can visit the Minnesota Secretary of State’s website here:  www.mnvotes.org for their "Online Caucus Finder."

Remember, all caucuses convene at 7:00 PM. Make sure you attend and take part in this civic process!

New to precinct caucuses?  In short, they are the first stop for selecting and nominating candidates whose names will be on the ballot, as well as deciding on a political party’s platform and electing precinct officers.  This year participants in both Republican and Democratic (DFL) caucuses will vote for the presidential candidate of their choice.  For the first time, the Republican presidential straw poll vote will be binding, and candidates who poll strongly will win delegates to subsequent conventions.

Caucuses provide a setting for people to gather with like-minded neighbors to discuss important issues and make their voices heard.  To participate, you must be eligible to vote in the November general election and live in the precinct.

Never been to a caucus?  Not sure how it works?  Learn more about the process here:  Minnesota's 2016 Precinct Caucuses.